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1:1 Sessions w/ Stacie

Discover personalized healing in every session

Meet Stacie, co-owner and founder of The Chakra Healing Room. Stacie is a Shamanic, Usui, Tibetan, and Karuna Reiki Master Teacher with a heart of gold. Guided by divine signs and synchronicities from her loved ones, she was inspired to pursue a path as a healer. Stacie combines her deep intuition and guidance from trusted spiritual guides to provide profound healing experiences for her clients. Rooted in shamanism, she incorporates the transformative power of drumming and other natural sounds to restore balance and harmony. Stacie’s expertise extends to using crystals and energy healing techniques to align and rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit. She offers personalized guidance on continuing the healing journey, ensuring each client’s path to wellness is clear and empowering. Beyond individual Reiki sessions, Stacie provides mentorship and life coaching, helping others to navigate life’s challenges and embrace their full potential.